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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A sword embedded in a stone glows in a dark landscape. A crown rests on the top of the hilt, representing the supremacy of clear thinking and rationality, the crowning glory of the gift of swords. A woman lightly touches the sword and experiences a powerful spark of illumination'

The Ace of Swords is the gift of knowledge and understanding. You can expect a flash of insight or an idea that will help solve a particularly sticky problem or experience a moment of truth. If you want to communicate something with clarity and just the right words, the energy to accomplish that is present at this time. It can also represent a new point of view, discovery or intellectual achievement.

If reversed, beware of the double-edged nature of the sword. This card can indicate a painful truth or sharp, cutting words. It can also suggest that you should let go of an idea.

Use your intuition

  • What do the red roses climbing the sword symbolize?
  • What is the significance of the cross at the top of the crown?

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